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How Can I Clean My Lymphatic System?

checking-out-reflection-sqIn our social media-saturated world, our feeds are filled with supplements and retail products that promise full-body detoxing and cleansing. Buy this, take that, do this … and miraculously, we’ll be cured of all our health concerns, albeit with a much lighter bank account.

In reality, our bodies are amazing machines with systems capable of detoxifying themselves. Dr Luke Hennessy, Chiropractor, uses a variety of techniques to boost the body’s performance including lymphatic drainage.

Dr Hennessy encourages lymphatic drainage to keep your body running at its optimal level. Related lymphatic massage methods are something you can do for yourself in the comfort of your own home!

Improve Your Body’s Performance

The Lymphatic drainage technique is used to help remove toxins that have caused the body to become sluggish. Dr Hennessy’s ultimate goal is to help the body remove toxins, reduce stress, and allow it to heal naturally from within, while reducing inflammation.

During your appointment, Dr Hennessy will gain a full understanding of your health history and the concerns and health issues you are experiencing. Dr Hennessy will conduct a comprehensive examination and use diagnostic protocols to determine the most suitable techniques for your individual needs.

In addition to your tailored Chiropractic care, Dr Hennessy may recommend Lymphatic drainage massage techniques, Food Sensitivity Testing, Craniosacral Therapy, spinal traction, herbs, and nutritional supplements.

Help Your Body Heal Itself

In addition to care through Family Health Professionals Helensvale, Dr Hennessy can discuss other services available at his practice and those techniques that can be done at home to support your lymphatic system. These may include home lymphatic massage, dry brushing, dietary changes, specific exercises and infrared saunas.

If you’ve wondered about the benefits of lymphatic massage and want to learn more, call our practice today. We can set up an appointment and help you explore the advantages of a lymphatic system that is working effectively and efficiently for you!


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