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How Can Breathing Impact Shoulder Pain?

intense shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is a common condition that can result from a variety of underlying issues, such as poor posture, repetitive traumas, or the neck not functioning properly. The way you breathe may also affect your shoulder function.

Using the Proper Muscles

The diaphragm is the most important muscle in respiration (breathing). Unfortunately, most people today don’t use their diaphragm to move air. They tend to take rapid, shallow breaths and only use the muscles of the upper rib cage and shoulders when they breathe in and out.

Shallow breathing taxes the muscles of the rib cage, which are not as strong as the diaphragm, and results in creating adhesions. These adhesions cause muscle tightness in the rib cage, which contributes to pain and mechanical dysfunction in the shoulder because your shoulder blade sits right on top of the upper rib cage.

The mechanics involved in taking shallow breaths pushes your shoulders forward. This posture causes a cascade of mechanical changes that begins with irritation of the biceps tendon. This tendon becomes inflamed and scar tissue is created. The body then attempts to stabilise the joint by tightening the rotator cuff muscles.

If this tightness persists, calcium builds up in the tissues, making them inflexible and prone to serious injury, such as rotator cuff tears, even in a minor accident or trauma.

If these issues are not addressed, the AC joint at the top of the shoulder becomes inflamed and the shoulder can lock up in the form of frozen shoulder complex.

Prevention Is Better than Cure

Shoulder conditions are very painful, and frozen shoulder complex can take up to a year and beyond to clear—and mobility may never be fully restored. Fortunately, many of these issues may be prevented with simple, effective exercises that help you learn to breathe from your diaphragm.

Our chiropractor, Dr Hennessy, will conduct a thorough examination and assessment and design a care plan specifically for your needs to help you correct your breathing and posture. Chiropractic intervention can prevent long-term damage from occuring.

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